Candle Lite Vigil At Gibbel Park for Sultan Our Fallen K9 Hero in Hemet Ca

We would like to say thanks to all the supporters who came out to support the loss of 
our fallen K9 Hero who was shot in the line of duty on a police stand off
in in Hemet . We had a super turn out that came supported and gave love
Below are some videos we were able to stream live on scene. 

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

our live stream was streamed to you by HemetCPR.Com who is one of our news 
reporters with Hemet News and TheCommunityTv.Com
Like them on Facebook for doing us a great job by CLICKING HERE
