Here Is a Tear Jerker ThanksGiving Story - Thanksgiving That Turned Into A NIGHTMARE After Family Gives Thanksgiving Meals To Stillwater Police Who Had to Work

Story Compiled and Confirmed
By Eddie George with HemetEyeNews.Com
Aka CrazyGuyWithTheLazyEye.Com
Redneck News

After a pending post of a Gofundme account came in to our Hemet News Facebook Group page I had to check this story out before approving

 So I called Stillwater OK Police to confirm the story . 
My  heart dropped  and a lump went down my throat as well chills ran thru out my body as  the dispatcher stated that it sadden her to say but YES it was true !

She stated that she was on shift that day as a dispatcher when the family came in to bring them the Thanksgiving Dinner. 
So I had to put this story out . 

From StillWater Police Dept's Facebook Group Page

"On Thanksgiving Day a local family brought food to the Stillwater Police Department to feed the officers who were unable to be at home with their families on the holiday. Later in the evening, that family was struck by tragedy. At the end of each patrol shift, the supervisor will send an agency wide email regarding the activities of that shift. This email was sent by Patrol Lt. Kerry Bell on Thanksgiving night as the shift ended

 “Officers responded to a residence on West 26th reference a 3 year old child hit by a car. This was a very sad and dramatic situation for all of us as first responders. Stillwater Fire Department and LifeNet kicked into double overdrive on this to save this little girl. The grandmother was leaving from spending the holiday with the family and did not see her three year old granddaughter seated, on the ground, in front of the car. 

She pulled forward, ran over the top of the child, causing serious trauma. The child was flown to OU Medical Center. The family, filled with grief, still came to each one of us and thanked us for being the ones that responded for their granddaughter. 

We gave thanks to GOD that we were the ones that got to help with this little girl. The cops prayed with the family when the helicopter left. This was the granddaughter of the family that brought in the Thanksgiving meal to the shifts today. I have no more words for this Thanksgiving.”
Members of the Stillwater Police Department ask for your prayers for this family. The Department would also like to recognize and thank the officers, firefighters and paramedics who had to deal with this tragedy while the rest of us were home enjoying our holiday."


On Thanksgiving Day, two-year-old Merida was playing at the edge of the driveway when she was struck and run over by the car of another Thanksgiving guest. In the ambulance on the way to the nearest hopsital, they lost her vital signs several times, and so she was airlifted to Oklahoma University Medical Center as soon as possible.

Merida is currently there in the PICU, and the extent of her injuries are still unknown. We know she has fractures across her face and skull, as well as damage to her lungs and spleen, and potentially a fractured vertebrae. She's been intubated and sedated as we wait for her vital signs to be stable enough to perform an MRI.

How You Can Help
Make a donation. First and foremost, Merida needs her daddy with her. He's currently in southern Mexico, where he's a resident and citizen, and has been unable to find a way to reach any official who can help due to the holiday season.  Initial donations will go towards travel and potentially legal expenses related to allowing him to be with his family during this difficult time. What medical expenses the family will incur is currently unknown. Any further donations will go towards those expenses.

Spread the word. Share this campaign via email, by word of mouth, or on your social media tagged with #MeridaNeedsHerPapa. If you know anyone who can help Merida's father enter the country, please ask them to contact us. 

All donations will go directly to the family. Thank you in advance for supporting Merida and her family through this.
Amanda Maturkanich (family friend)
