HemetNews.Org Hemet News- Armed Home Invasion Yale Apartments Subjects Arrested
On April 13,2015 around 9:30 this morning , Hemet Police responded to an Armed Home Invasion 911 call where the call was dropped and 911 dispatcher pulled the address from the phone number , Hemet Police units responded to the address at Yale Apartments on Yale Street.
Reports stated that the subjects broke into a home at gunpoint robbing the resident
The Subjects then fled the scene and went to McDonalds eat as they celebrated their invasion
The Hemet Police Officer recognized the subjects after they left Mcdonalds who then called in for back up. After backup officers arrived the take down went down.
One of the subjects were released to his parents
We at Hemet News would like to applaud our police officers for a job well done in capturing
these subjects as fast as you did !
We support each of our officers and we would like to say you guys and gals
are doing a wonderful job in our community protecting and serving us with your lives
Eddie George "The Crazy Guy With The Lazy Eye"

All Subjects in the video is considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law
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