A little bit of history everyone should really know about the Confederate Flag and the meaning behind it

Perhaps we could all do with some history lessons, particularly ones in the history of the "War between the States, AKA The Civil War. The mass majority of "Rebels" who fought under a battle flag like the one pictured, did not own slaves, they were poor or felt that no one should own another human being. There were many states on both sides who held different beliefs on slavery. 

There are many records of family members fighting each other wearing either gray or blue The ones wearing gray were fighting for the SOUTH and it's right to rule itself without the oppression of the northern states. It is that simple. Approximately 620,000 men died in the war, a more complex study is suggesting that the sum may be as high as 850,000. 

Two percent of the population. In today's terms that would equal 4 million people. Slavery was not banned in the Union states by Lincoln so if you happened to be a slave in any of those states you were still a slave after the Civil War. 

This fact alone proves that the Civil War was not about slavery but about states rights to rule themselves. The Slavery issue was embraced by Lincoln in a attempt to keep other countries from coming to the aid of the South. Actually 12 USA presidents owned slaves. 

Do we now destroy all historical references to these 12 men? If one is not a southerner, they might not understand the love southerners have for history and the south. Had the south had equal amounts of men and supplies, the south may have undoubtedly won the civil war because they were fighting for liberty, state's rights and home.

 I now know the symbolic meaning that many blacks have attached to the confederate flag because of the media. I have been in the south and around blacks all my life and never did anyone mention this aversion to the flag.

 I believe in this situation we all need to agree to disagree on the meaning of this flag, otherwise we will continue to sever our ties to each other because neither side is going to back down.

I might add this flag has been adopted by soldiers and sailors in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and even today. Should their patriotism be blacked out as well. Please for the Love of God stop and love your neighbor regardless of color, and flag allegiance. The war is over, there were no winners.



  1. Minor correction. All northern states had already individually abolished slavery by amendments to their state constitutions by 1804 (the last slaves being freed by 1820). The South was economically vulnerable because of their dependence on slave labor in agriculture. The Emancipation Proclamation was addressed to the 10 states in active rebellion. It did not affect the 4 slave states not in rebellion (Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland) nor Tennessee and Lower Louisiana which were already under Union occupation.


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