Hemet News - TheCommunityTv.com Exposes Hemet Police Dept & Their Officers
With TheCommunityTv.Com and HEMET NEWS
We would like to say our Hemet Police Department and all their officers has been doing a great 2015. We been observing our local Police on TheCommunityTv.Com and Hemet news at Facebook.com/Hemetnews and these officers has been and are Exceeding our Expectations
We want to say to all you that are laying your lives on the line for us We appreciate you and everything you do.
We will continue to spread the spotlight on our officers as we cover their jobs to the community showing you how hard our officers are really working for our community.
Lot of people ask us ... Why does the police turn their heads on things on Florida street and ignore certain crimes... Follow us as we follow our police and show you why they do what they do and the community will understand more clearly.
Our officers are not being lazy but just so busy that they can only handle what they can between all the crazy calls they get...
The Saying we use... Walk a day in an officers shoes and everyone would get a clearer pic. When we " HEMET NEWS" show up on scenes with reporters Miguel Shanon and Aric Bell showing our community what these fine people are doing you will be able to see just how their day goes...
They can only handle so much with what little amount of officers we have on force thanks to people wanting to cut our officers back in staffing...
This is the closest we can show you how its like to be in their shoes !
Great Job Hemet Police officers and keep up the great work.
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